I just wanted to offer a quick plug for a recently completed project, REAL Shoes Experts. Ioan Chereji is a fellow church member and is a master shoe designer and maker. He truly is a master. I had several of his custom made shoes for a couple weeks while shooting some product shots for his website. They recently opened a new store where they not only sell custom shoes, but several well-known brands as well. So, if you’re in need of custom shoes due to foot problems or just want some beautiful shoes, check out these custom made shoes by REAL Shoes Experts.
2 replies on “Custom Shoes by REAL Shoes Experts”
I love it. You’ve cornered the market for custom shoe maker websites 🙂 but seriously, it looks awesome and very professional
check out this site. Grisha is a master shoemaker…makes everything to exact specifications, whether it’s from a sketch, photo, or simply an idea…
He makes shoes for anyone who appreciates the quality, craftsmanship, and comfort.